The Animation Controls Palette The Animation Controls Palette, along the left-hand side while in design mode, gives you a wide variety of options.   The buttons are as follows: Preview— previews the frames without writing them to disk. Start Recording— record the animation. New Frame— creates a new frame after the one where you are. the tools— the tools along the top of the window are the paint tools. When you use these, the area you use must be framed in first. The frames can be resized later. This is to conserve disk space. They are, left to right: select, lasso, pencil, eraser, text, brush, spray paint, bucket (fill), line, rectangle, round-rectangle, oval, and polygon. The tools along the bottom are the draw tools. They are: straight line, line, rectangle, round-rectangle, oval, polygon, arc, and curve (freehand). forward/backward— move you forwards and backwards one frame at a time. pointer— the default tool. This tool allows you to select, move, and resize the various objects.